# The anybill SDK

The anybill SDK enables the integration of the digital receipts into frontend applications. Currently anybill supports Android, iOS, Flutter and Web integrations. Mobile SDKs are available in native Kotlin and Swift aswell as hybrid Flutter. Integrations into React Native apps are currently not supported by a corresponding sdk, but anybill still supports these type of integration by providing detailed documentation and example wrapper projects.

android apple flutter typescript

# Modules

The anybill SDK is build with a modular architecture to provide tools for a flexible integration of the anybill services into your products.

# Base Module

The Base Modules provide the default functiontalities for authentication as well as receiving and managing receipts data.

Base Module
Contains fundamental technical functions, login and registration functions for the app and functionalities to receive and manage digital receipts.

# Additional Modules

Stores Module
Information about participating retailers or stores with available digital receipt
Warranty Module
Smart functions on a receipt based on the receipt data e.g. review of the shopping experience, recipe suggestions or adding of insurances
Expense Manager Module
Provides an automatically categorized overview of all expenses the user had
Sustainability Module
Offers a gamification system to enhance the motivation of the user by providing sustainability information
And more...
We extend our modules continuously.

# Authentication

The anybill SDK supports the usage of your own user system by linking your users with an anybill account.

# Linked user account

If your App has an own user account system you can link a anybill user to your user account by using the anybill partner platform API. With this API you can create anybill user accounts and link them to your user account by saving the anybill user id. By knowing the anybill user id you can create access tokens for using the anybill SDK. With this access token you can initialize the SDK to automatically communicate with the anybill App API.

# Flow: init the SDK with a linked user token

anybill SDK auth token

# Flow: set a new token to the SDK after refreshing the previous token failed in the SDK

anybill SDK auth token refresh